Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Making Relationships Work - You Can If You Want To

There are many types of relationships, there are those we have with our parents, with friends, with our work colleagues, with our spouse. Making relationships work requires a different approach depending on the type of relationship, the most important of these relationships in my opinion is going to be the one with your spouse.

You will spend more time with your spouse than with the other people in your life, so for that reason I am going to concentrate on the subject of making your relationship with your spouse work.

When getting married we tend at first to try and carry on with our life as if we were still single, this for a time will work but after a while your spouse might want to change things. This is not entirely unreasonable after all you did commit to a life together no matter what vows you took on your wedding day.

It is however unreasonable for your spouse to expect this to happen over night, it will take time, a night out with your friends at the weekend has been part of your weekly routine for a long time. After a week at work it is good to go out and let your hair down with your friends, but remember your spouse is your new best friend and should be part of your weekend activities.

To make your marriage work you are both going to have to make changes, you both have friends some of which you grew up with, I am not saying you should turn your back on your friends. The relationship you have with your friends needs to change, your spouse should come first, remember that it is a marriage and both of you have gone into this with your eyes open.

You are both individuals and you have to respect this, there needs to be give and take on both sides, if you really want this to work. Once you have accepted this you can then start to build your life together. You should both work on keeping your life together exciting and fun.

Don't fall into a routine, where you come home at night grunt at each other have your evening meal then fall asleep in front of the TV, talk to each other try to keep your conversations up beat, everyone has a bad day at work, unless you are one of the lucky ones who actually likes their job, don't take your work home with you, leave it where it belongs.

Be spontaneous don't plan weekends away just go, get hobbies together, sharing, being together are all things that go together when making relationships work, sitting in front of the TV is not being together, sitting talking and interacting together is being together.

Make a plan, do you want children, where would you like to live, when do you want to retire, how many holidays do you want each year. This should be a joint effort, it should be what you both want, once you have made your plan start to work on it, working together will bring you closer and you will see results quicker.

Can it be a fairytale ending? There are going to be many obstacles as you go through life together, by facing these obstacles together and supporting each other, nothing can get in your way, and you will have a long lasting life together. Making relationships work is easy when you are working together.

For more information on relationships you can visit my blog [http://www.howtofixarelationshipinfo.com]

Another article on the subject of making relationships work [http://www.howtofixarelationshipinfo.com/making-relationships-work/making-relationships-work]

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Bill_Coton/270146

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5350776

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