Thursday, July 30, 2020

Making Relationships Work With the Use of a Principle Called YOU GO FIRST

People significant in your life tend to be indifferent and insensitive to neither your words nor actions. It's like one giant burden when you try to convince them in making relationships work and not even a trifle of change exists.

Truth be told, we try to mend our relationships by changing someone else. At some point in life, we recognize the certainty of making everyone in our life act the way we think, behave, love and wish. In demanding them to value the things that we value, we also want them to make the first move of changing themselves before we do.

Now the dilemma with this kind of situation is that everyone expects and insists that the other person should undergo the transformation first but nobody wants to make a jumpstart to it. Consequently, relationships are stagnated and unfulfilling.

Consider the time you spend in refusing demands from loved ones or coercing them to do what you want. Making relationships work will be unattainable every time you try to manipulate another person. The relationship suffers more when you force the one you love to act according to your preferences. It's a waste of energy and time so to speak.

Resentment results when you force the person to change to achieve what you wanted. In addition to that, you will also experience "trust" issues knowing that his/her change was not a willful act. And surely with this, you won't fully enjoy your loved one's transformation.

Despite the beliefs that run in your mind, you can never and you should never dictate a person to change. The only person that should change is YOU. Forcing the other to change is not effective while making relationships work by changing yourself does.

People who talk about attempting to control their actions and not their loved ones are often times concerned that they may be abused and overpowered. But haven't you thought about how the other person that you love would feel if you were the ones that controlled over them?

It doesn't make you less like a doormat when you begin to take control over your behavior. As a matter of fact, it is an empowering move that you should take in your life. You always have a choice not to allow someone to overpower you. Respond in a way that is at par to the standards you set for your self but never insist him/her to change.

Empowering your relationship commences from re-identifying the do's and don'ts in a relationship and your reaction to certain situations no matter what it is. The process of defining your personal freedom also begins here. Remember that if you take control over the things you do, you gain your own freedom too.

Bear in mind that your behavior alone is the one that you can truly change. Before telling others what to do, start thinking about what you can do first for a change, if you want to make your relationship work. You are bound to lose every time you concentrate on changing someone else than on what you can differently do for now.

Spend your time wisely by directing your attention on the things you can change in yourself than trying to manipulate someone else for the improvement of your relationship and movement to the path you want. Always focus on how to respond differently to your partner despite your strong beliefs that your partner, parent, friend or child caused your relationship problems. In this way, making relationships work is trouble-free.

When improving your relationships, bear in mind the "go first" principle and think about what you can change, however small, to get it moving to the right direction. Be involved and make the initial step to change yourself before someone else. Surely, you'll be amazed by the rapid improvement of your relationships.

Get FREE Instant Access to 25 Shocking Habits that Could be Sabotaging Your Relationships, a wildly popular report for Professionals.

Crucial Habits is a Popular company Teaching Professionals Crucial Habits for Dating and Relationship Success. Click Here

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Wednesday, July 29, 2020

5 Signs Your Husband Wants A Divorce (And How To Prevent It)

5 Signs Your Husband Wants A Divorce

If your marriage is 'on the rocks' and you're worried that your spouse is thinking about asking for a divorce, then this article is for you.  I'll explain a few signs to look for that indicate your husband is thinking about divorce, and I'll tell you how to stop it and how to begin repairing your marriage.

So, let's dive into the first sign to look for...

Sign #1 - Arguing Over Anything & Everything.

Yes, it’s no secret that an increase in the frequency and intensity of arguments with your partner are a clear indication that all is not well with your marriage.  Now, don’t panic here just because you and your spouse are fighting a few times a week… every married couple will disagree and have conflicts from time to time, and it’s actually a healthy thing to argue now and then as long as they lead to resolutions or don’t leave lingering hard feelings.

When those arguments become daily occurrences, and tend to arise over almost anything, then that’s when things get a bit more dicey.  For example, if you arriving 5 minutes late for a dinner date turns into a massive screaming match and results in both of you going to bed angry for the third time in a week, then that’s a problem.  These kinds of arguments, if they happen frequently and tend to blow small grievances or disagreements way out of proportion, can indicate that your marriage is headed in the wrong direction.

Most of the time, couples who argue too often but have otherwise healthy marriages can repair this problem relatively easily.  In simple terms, if you and your spouse fight too much or argue often over small issues, you need to learn how to prevent the useless arguments and have more important disagreements in a more civilized and constructive manner.

Click here to watch an excellent free video with tips on how to argue more effectively (and much more -- it's well worth watching). <== 

Now, another and potentially more serious indication of an unhealthy marriage is when one or both of you stops trying to resolve conflict at all. Which leads me to the next point….

Sign #2 - No Longer Willing To Resolve Conflict or Find Solutions.

If your partner seems to no longer care about the outcome of a fight, or if they seem to feel as though trying to find a solution to your problems is pointless or hopeless, then that can be a clear indication of deeper troubles.  When this kind of despair sets in, your partner may withdraw further and feel as though there will never be a way for the two of you to live together in peace.  That’s obviously not a good thing, and it’s something that you need to work on if this has become a problem in your marriage.

Sign #3 - Lack of Emotional Connection and Withdrawal of Affection.

If your husband has become distant and stopped showing affection towards you, that can also be a strong indication that they’re mentally checking out of the marriage.  Often associated with this is an overall lack of emotional connection and a lack of willingness to discuss or show feelings and emotions.

In my experience, this is one of the most obvious signs that a marriage is headed in the wrong direction.  Usually, though, it’s more a symptom than a root problem, and resolving the core issues of your marriage can usually help re-build the emotional connection and lead your spouse to begin showing affection again.

If you’re seeing this symptom as well as some of the others on this list, start taking action to stop the degradation of your marriage.  Watch this video right now to learn about 3 techniques that will help you repair your relationship (even if your husband isn't interested at the moment).  <==

Sign #4 - Rarely or never having sex.

Sex can be symptom of other problems in your marriage -- if you’re always fighting and there’s no emotional connection, the sex is going to disappear as well.

But it can also be a problem of its own and lead to a marriage crisis, whether it’s caused by fading attraction or a low sex drive.

Either way, a sexless marriage is almost always a marriage on the fast track to divorce, so if your spouse seems uninterested in sex or makes excuses, that’s a clear indication of problems.

Sign #5 - Your spouse is absent more often or seems pre-occupied.

If your partner is staying out late more often, and showing less interest in family and spending time together, that may be an indication that they are either unhappy with the situation at home.  It may also be that they’re preparing mentally for life apart, building a social life or possibly even dating.  Hopefully that’s not the case, and don’t prematurely accuse your spouse of this just because they’re home less often, but it is a possibility.

Simply put, if you’re spending less time with your husband than you have in the past or if he seems distant and pre-occupied when you are spending time together, that can be a clear sign of a spouse mentally struggling with the decision to end a marriage.

Next Steps: Where to go from here...

First, let's make one thing clear: just because your partner is exhibiting a couple of the behaviours that I just talked about doesn’t mean that they’re definitely planning to file for divorce.  It may simply be that these are indicators of trouble ahead in your marriage.  But if you’ve seen several of these indicators in your spouse recently, and you’re feeling that things aren’t on track with your marriage, I encourage you to act to turn things around now before matters get any worse.

The best place to start is by watching this free video by marriage guru Brad Browning... he explains where you've been going wrong and what you need to do to make your husband fall back in love with you.

Click here to watch the video now, before it's taken down.

5 Signs Your Husband Wants A Divorce

Saturday, July 25, 2020

How To Make A Man Fall Madly In Love With You

How To Make A Man Fall Madly In Love With You - 10 Tips For Making Men Desire You More

By Slade Shaw
Author of Why Men Pull Away

"Be the flame, not the moth." - Giacomo Casanova

We all want to be loved.

It's a human need - we yearn for that magical connection with The One Person meant for each of us.

You might be on the lookout for that guy right now, just as he's searching for someone like you.

Or maybe you're already in a relationship and you want to keep the flames of passion burning ferociously bright with your man.

Either way, you'd do well to learn the secrets to turning him on like crazy.

If you can make him feel things he's never felt with any other woman before, then he's as good as YOURS.

Meet Tina

She was like most women who stumbled in the dark when it came to men and dating.

Tina, a real estate agent from Surrey, had trouble keeping a guy around.

Either he "needed space", wasn't "ready commit to something long-term" or had some equally lame excuse available.

So she jumped from one relationship to the next and fell into the same patterns over and over.

After a few weeks of getting hot and heavy, the guy was soon out the door...

...and into another woman's arms.

Her latest one was a colleague named Jeff - and like the others, things crashed and burned before it could even get off the ground.

They had a few dates and seemed to have fun (especially in bed!), but it soon fizzled out like the others.

Jeff suddenly became unavailable, dodged Tina's calls and messages...until he was out of the picture just like that.

After her last disappointment, Tina started to get desperate. She began to think there was something seriously wrong with her.

"My last REAL relationship was almost a decade ago, and I've gotten nothing but duds ever since. Maybe I pissed off the dating gods or something to deserve my rotten luck with men!"

However, Tina is anything but an isolated case. I've met - and helped - lots of women in the same boat as her.

And today, I'm going to let you in on the 10 Incredibly Effective Ways to Capture Your Guy's Heart Forever:

#1: Please his eyes

When I tell you that you need to be physically attractive to capture his interest, that doesn't means guys are shallow.

This is what I call "getting your foot in the door."

Sure, women might not prioritize looks as much as guys do.

But you can't deny that a man ALSO needs to be visually appealing on some level before feeling attracted to him.

That's not right or wrong - it's simply biology in action.

To flip those hardwired switches in him, you'll need to put in the work.

Take note that has nothing to do with being "perfect", because that's a relative concept. Every guy has a "type" and there's no ONE kind of woman that ALL men are into.

That means you WILL click with someone, one way or another.

All you need to do is take care of yourself, which is what you should be doing anyway regardless.

I could write a whole book about looking and feeling your best, but here's a quick checklist to go over for now:

  • First things first: paying attention to hygiene is non-negotiable, and so is staying fit and active. Grooming is a must, so don't neglect the basic things either. Guys need to know you care about this stuff before seeing you as a potential partner.

  • Flaunt your feminine side: experiment with different scents, keep your skin smooth and soft with lotions and use makeup when necessary (tip: less is more!).

  • Have an impeccable sense of style: The right packaging sends the right signals to his caveman brain, so keep your clothes neat and pressed. Also, choose soft fabrics that accentuate your curves - they have a soothing appeal that'll drive him crazy with desire!

#2: Create killer chemistry

To establish a strong connection with a guy (or strengthen it with a long-term partner), he needs to feel that he has a lot of common ground with you.

Does your personality and attitude give him the impression that he can open himself up to you?

And he can have conversations with you that seem to go on forever (but don't feel that way)?

Does he feel like you "get" him on a level that's deeper than anyone else he's met?

Does your sense of humor jive with his, and do you laugh at the same dumb jokes?

Do you have a burning curiosity for each other? Does he want to pick your brain and know what makes you tick - and likewise for you?

If your personality and attitude can create that type of climate in the relationship, then you're doing it right.

Discover Why Men Pull Away - and make sure he'll NEVER leave you...

#3: Get him to trust you

A lot of women think that getting emotionally close with a guy is as easy as sleeping with him. But jumping into bed isn't going to do the trick.

If he wasn't sure about how he felt for you BEFORE doing the deed...

...he'll feel all the more uncertain the morning after.

If you want to create an unshakable bond with your man, the first step is ACCEPTING him.

This is HUGE on a guy's list - it might even be higher than sex, if not just as important.

A man wants to feel that their partner accepts them as who he is - NOT what she wants him to be.

Women don't realize they do this in small ways, like giving him the raised eyebrow when it comes to the way he dresses.

A few helpful suggestions are fine, but don't go nuts and turn him into your personal makeover guinea pig.

The same goes for the stuff he's into or the people he hangs out with. If it's not getting in the way of your relationship, it's not worth butting heads with him over it.

#4: Be his wing(wo)man

If you want him to see you as a partner and not just a one-time fling, you need to live up to the title.

And to do that, he'll need your SUPPORT.

If he's going through a hellish time in his career or has stuff of his own to sort out, he'll need to know you've got his back.

Men tend to withdraw a bit emotionally when they're fighting some battle in their life, so don't take it personally.

He's just going into a one-track-mind mode so he can focus his energy on whatever he needs to deal with at the moment.

In the meantime, you can quietly assure him that you'll be there for him. He'll come back around after he wrestles those pesky problems into submission.

#5: Pull back

When a guy's crazy about you, the best thing to do is make yourself scarce - but just a little bit.

I'm not telling you to play the hard-to-get game where you're blowing him off on purpose just to see him squirm.

That's manipulation - and let me tell you, guys are NOT thrilled by that at all.

I'm just asking you not to "spoil" him too much and overindulge in the relationship.

Otherwise, it could throw off the balance in both your lives.

So where do you draw the line when it comes to pulling back?

An easy way to do this is by asking yourself, "Am I sacrificing my own growth, well-being or sense of individuality by hanging out too much with him?"

If your other priorities are out of whack - like your career, health or social life - then it's time to rein yourself in a bit.

Let him miss you a little and get busy being the AWESOME woman that you are.

He'd rather have someone who isn't available at his beck and call 24/7... opposed to a clingy, lovesick puppy who lives and breathes for his approval.

#6: Inspire him to action

One thing that turns on a guy is the feeling of being NEEDED.

You might be thinking, "What?? Didn't you just tell me to be a strong, independent woman who doesn't need a guy to be happy?"

Well yes, but the operative word here is "feeling".

Any guy worth your time knows darn well that you don't actually NEED him to live a full life.

He just wants the privilege of being part of it anyway.

And if you let him play the game where he gets to indulge his more brutish, masculine side, he'll love you for it.

Ask him to help you out with "guy stuff", like moving some heavy stuff around, fixing something in the house, setting up your new computer or killing that bug that flew in your bathroom.

Or you could ask him for his expertise on something, like which smart TV has true 1080p resolution or how to invest in get the idea.

Men absolutely love knowing they can do this type of thing for their partner because that's their "provider/protector instinct" kicking in.

Discover Why Men Pull Away - and make sure he'll NEVER leave you...

#7: Let him do his thing

The couples who've been together the longest are those who understand that they can't be together every second of the day.

This goes beyond what I said earlier about pulling back a little.

From time to time, he's going to want to go off and express himself...

...and it won't involve you.

Women who are, well, less mature, will have a hard time accepting this fact about men.

But that's exactly what you need to respect, which is his need for individuality and independence.

This factor alone can be a deal breaker for most guys because they're secretly afraid they'll have to give those up once he commits to a woman.

So alleviate those fears and let him have his friends, hobbies and other side projects he's working on.

#8: Take a chill pill

Another thing that guys are worried about is that their partner's going to freak out when he cracks the occasional inappropriate joke or takes an off-day playing Grand Theft Auto on his PS4.

Essentially, guys are looking for that girl who won't suck all the fun out of the relationship with her drama.

Sorry if that sounds harsh, but that's what guys are thinking - they just don't have the nerve to tell you.

You can do this by keeping it cool when something unexpected happens, like canceled dinner plans on account of an emergency.

Or it could also mean not having unspoken, arbitrary rules in the relationship that force him to walk on eggshells around you.

You know, like not flipping out when he likes a female friend's Facebook post or Instragram selfie - or on a bigger note, acknowledging the existence of other women in his life.

If you can pick your battles and let the inconsequential stuff slide, he'll be all the happier for it.

#9: Don't MAKE him fall in love with you

This may come as a surprise to a lot of women, but you can't actually tell a guy what to think or feel...

...especially when it comes to deciding whether to commit to someone or not.

Men won't be MORE compelled to stick around if he feels FORCED into it.

Pressure is never attractive. He needs to have the freedom to CHOOSE instead of feeling like he owes it to you.

This is critical in the beginning when he's still feeling things out. Try to avoid using labels like "exclusive", "girlfriend" or "committed" until you've mutually confirmed it.

And more importantly, you shouldn't punish him in some way if he's not as "on-board" as you are.

Part of being in a relationship is stepping aside and letting it happen organically.

If you try to create that closeness by sleeping with him or give him an ultimatum, he'll eventually bail out on you since it wasn't his real decision anyway.

#10: Amazing Sex (need I say more?)

You didn't think we'd skip this one, did you?

Assuming that you've bonded with him enough and the connection is there, the sexual component of your relationship is VITAL.

Without it, you might as well be platonic friends. With that, here are some essential tips you need to know:

  • Make him feel like a MAN...or THE Man, to be exact. Again, this is his caveman side we're talking about. Guys want nothing more than to please their partner - especially when it comes to that - which brings us to the next tip...

  • If he's doing it right, TELL him. If your guy's lighting you up like a Christmas tree, give him the signals. Your verbal and non-verbal cues will tell him you're on bliss island. You could even slip a little R-rated language while you're in throes of passion if you're so inclined...

  • Communication is KEY. We're approaching clichéd territory here, but it's crucial nonetheless. Maybe you've hit a roadblock in your sex life for whatever reason and it's keeping you from giving 100% of yourself to him. If that's the case, he deserves to know, but try to skip the harsh criticism and accusations. Trust me, if there's anything he can do to help things get back on track, he'll be more than willing.

  • Use the power of the "slow burn". Men love being teased as long as they know it'll lead up to the main event. Make a game out of it and don't go for the obvious erogenous zones, like down south. Bring things to a simmering boil by touching him elsewhere that's just as powerful and erotic. Or send him a quick text about what you're going to do to him later on. Anything you that builds up the anticipation will keep him eager and willing to please you.

Whether you've been together for three months or three decades, there's always plenty you can do to make him crave you like a cool drink on a hot summer day. With the right habits, you can easily cultivate the right atmosphere in your relationship.

But there are women out there whose guy is slipping away FAST - and they need to stop him from walking out the door, pronto.

In cases like that, you'll need to bring out the big guns.

You see, I've developed a system to keep a man not only interested and attracted to you...

...but make him feel like living without you is NOT an option.

After using my powerful techniques on him, he won't see any other women aside from you.

(And while he's at it, he'll stop looking at their Facebook and Instagram feeds without you asking him - just saying...)

In other words, I can teach you how to make him OBSESSED with you so the thought of leaving won't ever cross his mind.

But let me warn you that this is powerful stuff and you should only use it on the right guy.

You need to be sure that you NEVER want him to leave you.

If you're ready to take the plunge and learn why men pull away - Click here to watch my free video presentation...

How To Make A Man Fall Madly In Love With You

Sunday, July 19, 2020

What Makes Relationships Work?

What Makes Relationships Work?

What Makes Relationships Work - Love potion! Make them feel loved. Once upon a time, boy met girl and they were madly in love! Remember the feeling? Secret to long-lasting relationships is to keep that fire kindled. It's true that life's ups and downs will challenge this effort, but 'true feelings' is the fuel that will help keep the fire going. Whether you are trying to make a relationship work, or trying to get back your ex; actively express your feelings, verbally as well as physically. Make that move now!

Are you talking to me? We have been talking since we were two years old... but, sadly most of us don't have a clue about communicating with each other. Learning this simple art can help you not only save a relationship but also be instrumental in making a relationship work. Good news's not hard! Be natural, be sincere, care about others. Complexity of words or your command of language has nothing to do with it. Keep it simple but sincere. Communication that comes from the depths of your being, from the heart, can and will have influence over people. Inject your emotions and feel secure in the natural law that what goes around, comes around. You throw out compassion, love, understanding... and the same is bound to boomerang back to you.

Honest Abe....or Gail? Sounds like a cliche', but honestly...honesty IS the best policy. Whether you are trying to get your ex back or building foundation for a relationship that will endure the stresses of reality, this age-old advice is still in fashion. If you are truly trying to build a long-lasting deep relationship, there is no room for manipulations, white lies, deception and so on. Human brain has uncanny capacity to decipher verbal and non-verbal communication. Everybody is essentially carrying a supercomputer on their shoulders. 'Don't do unto others what you don't want done to you'. Heard that before? Good, now start following it!

Fence around us! Create a very private world between the two of you. Exclusivity is paramount in relationship building. It makes everybody feel secure and important! Do not divulge information to others that was provided to you with a sense of friendship. This is one of the key secrets that make relationship work. Make their secrets your secrets. Be the keeper of your partners fears, insecurities, desires, and ambitions.

You can count on me: Trust is mutual. But, as mentioned before, you need to give before you can receive. One of the best ways to save a relationship is to demonstrate that you are trustworthy. Create a track record and help people feel secure in the fact that their secrets, fears, and ambitions are secure with you. It's a slow process, but creates long-lasting rewards and works as the lubricant that makes the relationship work. People will connect with you better knowing that they can open up their feelings to you.

I am here for you: Moment of weakness and insecurity can creep up on anybody. At that point, people are looking for support. They are looking for someone to talk to and share their feelings with. Be that person. Best advice for relationship is: be available for your partner to express their emotions and feelings. You can make almost any relationship work if you can follow this simple advice. Be sensitive and provide help and suggestions sincerely. Few well placed words, a hug or a kiss, and just plain silent listening can go a long way in providing the support that your partner is looking for. Be a source of self-esteem and confidence building to your partner, rather being a fountain of criticism!

Can't you see what I see? No relationship is perfect, but it doesn't have to be 'war of roses' either. The key to resolving disputes, and one of the best ways to save the relationships, is to be able to understand other party's point of view (POV). Not an easy proposition, because most of us are pretty stuck in our ways. It takes a lot of maturity and confidence to be able to relieve yourself from the bondage of your own conviction and jump into the darkness of another persons POV. But, that's the adventure that needs to be undertaken if you want to realize where the other person is coming from. Magic of making up and maintaining an exciting relationship is to be able to understand each other. A little bit of this attitude, on both sides, can do wonders for the relationship.

There are no shortcuts to healthy and fulfilling relationships. If you follow these simple, but very effective rules of engagement you can tremendously improve the probability of achieving a mutually satisfying and long lasting relationship. To further explore the magic of making relationships work, please visit []

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What Makes Relationships Work?

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Why Men Reject Specific Women

Why Men Reject Specific Women

(and the surprising scientific  reason they automatically choose  others) 

 Why Men Reject Specific Women - Throughout her life, Tanya had  been  told she was "outstanding ", "beautiful inside and out ", "amazing ", and "total  girlfriend  material" by the men  she'd dated  ...

But  all those  reassuring  words actually  made her feel awful .

Because  the truth  was :.

Despite  how great  they CLAIMED  she was, they still weren't PICKING  her .

Which  indicated  that  these  guys  were   either lying , or there was something else she was doing wrong : something so undesirable  that  they just couldn't  bring themselves to stay with  her.

"It made me really feel  hopeless " she explained . "Why am I never ever  enough  for the ones  I feel a connection with ?".

"All I want is for  someone  to choose  me".

So, what makes guys  select  a specific    woman  while overlooking  others? This is  the  fundamental question  that has plagued women for as long as men and women have been getting together .

Today,  science  might  finally have the answer .

According to brand-new  research findings  published  in the scientific  journal, "Archives of Sexual Behavior"*, men do not  select  partners  based on  "rational  reasons".

Relationship  researcher  Clayton Max explained to  us,  "It's not about checking off    the boxes  on his  list  of a  'perfect  girl '. And a  woman can not  persuade  men  to want to be with her".

In fact , Max states , when a woman attempts  to persuade  a man , pressure him , or show him how  perfect  she is, nine  times out of ten  it's going to  backfire, as  these behaviors  actually  signal  the  reverse  of what makes a guy  absolutely  sure she  is the one  for him.

"The reality  is" according to Max, "The choice  for men  is about  one specific thing :.

They pick  women  who can  make them feel  that  hypnotic  feeling  of INFATUATION".

Psychologists have  found  that infatuation comes from  a primitive  urge  deep within the mind ...

And with  guys , it's either on or it's not .
When a guy's  infatuation impulse  is triggered , it doesn't matter  if she  has   the personality traits   he's been searching for .

She  could be completely  wrong  for him,  however  he'll make time for her. He'll move mountains  for her . He will  do whatever  it takes  to be a couple .

Because  the Infatuation Impulse  essentially  SHUTS OFF  the part of a guy's  brain  responsible for  anything apart from  being with her .

So how  does a woman trigger  his  Infatuation Impulse ... to make him so overwhelmed with desire     he's ready  to do anything  to convince  her just how much  he wants her?

Check out the In-depth  Video to found out now .

Infatuation Scripts

Why Men Reject Specific Women

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

How to Make A Man Commit To You

"How to Make A Man Commit To You"

How to Make A Man Commit To You - When it comes to getting a man to commit, it's important to know where to start.

Since you can't force a relationship, it's key that he feels a desire to be with you. In other words, he needs to believe that his life is greater with you in it.

That said, you can't push or pressure him to be with you. If you do, he'll only pull away.

To kickstart a commitment with your man, try these tips on for size.

Be decisive.

As much as guys like to be in control, they don't want to have to call the shots for you, too. Instead of counting on him to decide on your dinner plans or weigh in on your outfit options, do it yourself!

Men find indecisiveness draining, so if you want to keep him coming back for more it's crucial that you learn how to be independent and have options of your own.

Do the little things.

As manly as he may seem, he still likes to be taken care of. To show you guy that life's better with you in it be the one who goes the extra mile to make him smile.

While it's one thing to tell him that you appreciate him, as the old saying goes, "actions speak louder than words." Something as simple as surprising him with a nice home-cooked meal or a case of his favorite beer can do wonders for your relationship. For more ideas on how to make him commit click here and watch my video.

Keep living your own life.

It's tough not to get swept up in romance, but if you want to make you guy commit to you it's important that you have a life without him.

Sure, it may be great spending all of your free time with him, but if you push your life to the side for him he'll see how easily he has you.

On the other hand, if you make him work for your time by keeping busy with friends, family and other hobbies he'll not only want to see you more, but he'll even miss you when you're not around.

Be willing to try new things.

Whether it's a foreign cuisine or a kinky sex position, being open and willing to try new things with your man is important, especially when it comes to getting him to commit.

Since most men are adventurous at heart, keeping your relationship exciting and new will prevent him from feeling bored or looking elsewhere for love.

Be his rock.

When a man knows he can rely on you he'll feel a connection to you like no other. Thus, if you want him to commit to a relationship, you need to be the one he can count on.

To show him this it's important that you're a woman of your word. Meaning, if you say you're going to do something, do it. When he knows he can depend on you to follow through he'll feel secure with you.

It's also important that you have an open ear, and be the person he can talk to about anything and everything. When he does share his hopes and dreams with you encourage him to chase them. Never tell him that something is out of his reach, but rather be his biggest fan.

For more tips on how to make your man commit to you click the link below and watch my video:

==> Click here to watch my full-length video guide 

Wishing you love and happiness,
-Amy North

How to Make A Man Commit To You

Monday, July 6, 2020

Text Chemistry | Getting ignored? Send him THIS before it's too late

Text Chemistry

Text Chemistry - This is a crazy-ass "how to" video by YouTube relationship guru, Amy North:


This is probably the most dramatic videos I've ever seen... because in it, Amy tells a gut-wrenching story that will make you laugh and cry at the same time...

And she also explains how she discovered this secret "Attention Text" that makes a man think about you non stop... to the point of pure obsession... makes him think about devotion. Love. And if used properly, even marriage...

Sound unbelievable? Then you've clearly never seen this video before:

==> Learn This Strange "DESIRE" Text Message (How-To Guide)

Once you use this text on a man, he will immediately distance himself from other women... and he will constantly think about ways he can be closer to you.

This text uses a powerful psychological technique that Hollywood screenwriters use in their movies to hook an audience in... and you can use this technique to make him worship you until the end of your days.

If you're even the slightest bit curious, then watch this video now: <== click here to watch

The second you send this text to a man, don't be surprised if he becomes strangely drawn to you (for reasons he won't be able to explain).

And don't be surprised if that man who's been distant in your life begins calling you, texting you, and telling you how he's ready to commit to you... forever and always.

You simply have to watch this video!

==> Make A Man Desperate For You With This Text

Good luck -- and don't forget to tell me how it goes!

Text Chemistry

Infatuation Scripts
Infatuation Scripts